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Związek Polskie Okna i Drzwi

POiD’s 2021 Building Awards – why show up here?

In February, the first edition of the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards 2021, a competition for the joinery industry, was launched. The new initiative of the POiD Association is an interesting form of competition, an opportunity to present the offer among the best solutions on the market, but also a source of new ideas and inspiration for the industry.

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FAKRO – Patron of the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards Competition

FAKRO is one of the most dynamic companies in the roof window industry, promoter of living in functionally designed and full of natural light interiors.

It joins the group of Patrons of the competition, in which the most important message is to emphasize the importance of woodwork in the development of construction and architecture.

Competition website:

Patron’s website:

Reynaers Aluminium – Patron of the POiD’s Building Awards competition

Reynaers Aluminium is the leading European manufacturer of innovative, environmentally friendly aluminum systems for windows, doors, curtain walls, sliding systems, sun screens and winter gardens.

Joining the POiD’s Building Awards competition emphasizes how close cooperation at every stage of the project between entities involved,  from architects, manufacturers, engineers, investors to individual customers plays an important role in creating comfortable and safe buildings.

Competition website:

Patron’s website:

Ponzio Patron of the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards Contest

Ponzio, a manufacturer of aluminum systems for the building industry has been co-creating the architectural landscape in Poland and across Europe for several decades.

Ponzio joins the group of Patrons of the competition, thus supporting and promoting the best in the world woodwork solutions in the context of technology, functionality, and aspects determining the aesthetic value of objects.

Competition website:
Patron’s website:

Glassolutions Patron of the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards Competition

Glassolutions is a leading supplier of the highest quality solutions and the most innovative glass products for the architecture, construction and window and door sectors.

Glassolutions places a strong emphasis on the environmental aspects of building components in its operations. In the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards competition, ecology, and in particular, the impact of woodwork products on the energy efficiency of buildings, is one of the criteria on the basis of which architectural objects submitted to the competitions will be evaluated.

Competition website:

Patron’s website

Aluprof inspires being the Patron of the POiD’s 2021 Building Awards Competition

Aluprof has been inspiring and creating space by providing aluminium systems for the building industry for nearly 70 years. This year it joins the group of Patrons of the first edition of the competition, in which the element of rivalry is combined with the mission to create a portfolio of the best woodwork, building automation and smart home solutions.

Competition website:

Patron’s website: